Ardmore CMDP


Submit a Drainage Issue

Please take a moment to Submit a Drainage Issue by clicking the icon below. This will redirect you to a short form with the ability to locate your drainage issue on an interactive map. This will allow the project team to gather valuable location based information from residents throughout the city.

Please note that this form will not work with "Internet Explorer" web browser. If you prefer, a PDF version of this Comment Form is available at the bottom of this page which can be emailed or mailed to the address listed.

Thank you for participating. All comments must be received on or before August 10, 2022.

Comment Form (PDF)

You may email or mail to the addresses provided below. To leave a recorded comment, you may call 501-823-0730.
Attn: Shouna Winslow
1016 24th Ave NW
Norman, OK 73069

Formulario de Comentario (PDF)

Puedes enviarlo por correo electrónico o por correo en los direcciones posterior. Para sometar un comentario orale, puedes llamar 501-823-0730.
Attn: Shouna Winslow
1016 24th Ave NW
Norman, OK 73069